Got the blades for the jig saw today, and here it is... My Sunday evening.
Bem, sou mesmo um "puto", com 33 anos.
Comprei as lâminas em falta. Aqui fica o meu fim de tarde de Domingo...
Lumber is 1" x 2" and 1" x 3". Also built the legs, but I don't have any light on the room for any good photos. Still need to build the light supports. The legs are attached to the benchwork by screws. That way, the structure is more reliable.
A madeira usada tem 2 x 5cm e 2 x 7cm. Também construí as pernas, mas não tenho nenhuma foto, pois não tenho luz na marquise. As pernas estão fixas à base com parafusos, pois ficará mais seguro assim.
Best wishes.
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